We hear so much about “stress” these days and for good reason. To a point, stressful periods are beneficial, they challenge us and give opportunities for incredible personal, professional, emotional and spiritual growth. However, too much stress at any given time or over long periods is a key factor undermining health, immunity, sleep, day to day vitality, quality of life, joy and longevity.
Many people acknowledge a negative role that stress plays in their life. Others, when asked if they feel stressed will answer that they don’t, even when they are going through huge personal and/or professional changes. This reveals people are adaptive, individual in their stress response and can become accustomed to a certain level of stress, including to the point when it is detrimental to health: where they are no longer able to relax and fully enjoy all that life has to offer. They can mistakenly believe that the admission of experiencing stress is an inability to cope, yet often they are dealing with huge pressures and really need support and assistance.
Many things elicit a ‘stress response’. Familiar ones are illness, work pressures, family commitments, loss of a loved one, periods of financial uncertainty and major life transitions such as parenthood, study and new employment. Less commonly recognised are chronic infections, environmental toxicity, a lack of quality sleep, dietary and nutrient deficiencies and other factors.
When assisting clients, we help them view the context of their life: to acknowledge the number of situations that demand a response from them, i.e. their ‘stressors’. We also look at the toll these are taking on their physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health.
We have many ways to assist people through challenging and difficult times. Herbal medicines and nutrients support the nervous system, calming tension, improving sleep and uplifting mood and energy levels. Energetic essences and healing sessions are wonderful additions to a stress reduction strategy as they help clients connect with inner resources and a greater sense of self, empowerment and choice.
If you see yourself in this description and/or would like personalised support with any of these challenges, use the link below to book a consultation time.