Crown Essence - integration and connection



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Aletheia Crown Essence, the seventh in the range, was made at Blackheath in the Blue Mountains of NSW. It is an essence about self-acceptance, integration, wholeness and being all of oneself.

The Crown Essence completes the journey back to the self. It serves both as a point of integration in the Aletheia Essences range and a pinnacle experience in itself. It weaves all aspects of the Self into a cohesive, complete and joyous whole: Masculine and Feminine, Body and Spirit, Head and Heart. It helps you to be truly who you are; to draw on and bring together all of your qualities, talents and abilities.

It is a wonderful essence to complement and enhance other healing modalities, because healing is about being more fully and freely who we are. Crown will ease the integration of the healing; and further open and expand the heart to experiences, other people and the world – so you live in an open and heart-centred way.

This powerful essence allows you to reconnect with and draw upon aspects of yourself you may not even be aware of, helping to fulfil the maxim “Know Thyself”. It fosters the qualities of joy, balance, calm, serenity, happiness, acceptance and love for who you are: a celebration of your uniqueness.

Through this, you will develop a deeper sense of self-worth, joy and the confidence to express yourself as you are.

The recommended dose is 7 drops taken twice daily, under the tongue, for at least 1 month to fully experience all that this wonderful essence has to offer



What people are saying

"I have been using Lyle's essences for several months in consultation with Lyle for what I have needed to assist me in feeling my best or dealing with a particular challenge.  No matter whether I was dealing with a relationship issue or the pressures of running a business, each time these essences have been able to deliver the needed clarity and support to help me feel calm, clear and access the clarity that I needed in different situations."

M. Y.

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