Activate Essence - joyful manifestation



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Aletheia Activate Essence, the third in the range, was made in the beautiful Kanimbla Valley, NSW. It is an essence that promotes ‘joie de vivre’, the zest for life - by connecting a person to all the things they love, those things that bring them joy and happiness. Activate encourages and facilitates having a balanced life, full of meaningful work, play, socialising and appropriate rest.

It ignites joy and happiness in our work, helping to bring creative ideas and vision into being. Activate is perfect to take as a follow up to, or in combination with the Create Essence - the Create Essence bringing clarity to what the endeavour will be and the Activate assisting with its’ manifestation. It removes obstacles people often experience when acting on creative ideas, such as self-doubt, overwhelm and procrastination. Highly effective at helping people to get things done, it transforms procrastination and indecision into action. This essence is wonderful for those times when the to-do list seems never ending; Activate will give focus, the ability to prioritise, multitask and enjoy the busyness.

It balances our relationship to work, bringing more play into our endeavours. For instances of seriousness, overwork and burnout, it brings cheerfulness and helps people take appropriate rest. In times of lethargy and low enthusiasm, it will give a spark of energy, liveliness and zeal. A most happy essence to experience!

The recommended dose is 7 drops taken twice daily, under the tongue, for at least 1 month to fully experience all that this wonderful essence has to offer.



What people are saying


“I have taken all three of the Aletheia essences, and I have to say that my favourite so far has been the Activate essence. I found it to be incredibly uplifting and empowering. For me it allowed me to stop any form of procrastination, clear any things off my to do list that I’d been meaning to do for years, and move forward with my life purpose. It really is such a feel good essence, facilitating productivity from a place of joy. I would highly recommend the Activate essence to anyone who feels like they are stuck or in a rut, and unable to move forward with their life. Thanks so much Lyle!”

Ultimate Aletheia - the full set of essences
Base Essence - grounding and security
Crown Essence - integration and connection
Create Essence - inspired creativity
3 Essences special - $90