Heart Essence - self love and inner wisdom



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The Aletheia Heart Essence, the fourth in the range, was made near Bellingen in NSW. It addresses the Universal quality of Self-love, helping us move into an ever deeper experience of love, kindness, acceptance and appreciation for all that we are.

This essence facilitates a connection with the heart and cultivates the ability to listen to the small, still voice within; that voice of inner wisdom and intuitive ‘knowingness’ of what is right for you. It encourages us to listen to our needs, our boundaries, what we will and will not accept, our deep desires; and to further know and love ourselves. By doing so, the Heart essence helps resolve inner conflicts, especially those where the heart says one thing and the mind, or other influential people, say something else. It nudges us into following our own path; to find our own answers by going within, listening and heeding what our heart says.

The effect of taking the Heart Essence over time is an inner harmony, where one’s thoughts, emotions, desires and actions come together and unify. This harmony radiates into everyday life, creating an experience of integrity, ease and peace. As we deepen our relationship with ourselves and cultivate love for all that we are, we can be in the world and engage with others from a more whole, loving and authentic place.

This beautiful and profound Heart Essence can be taken when one is neglecting self love and care, when in need of self-forgiveness, to strengthen self-respect and assert boundaries, when questioning a relationship or work issue; and to cultivate trust and connection with one’s intuition.

The recommended dose is 7 drops taken twice daily, under the tongue, for at least 1 month to fully experience all that this wonderful essence has to offer



What people are saying


I was given this divine essence by my friend for my birthday. It was a lovely ritual taking the essence and bringing me back to the heart twice a day. To my surprise a braver, more assertive me started placing more boundaries and expressing how I really felt. The love I needed was definitely in my own self care and preservation and “Heart” showed me the way.

Insight Essence - clear perception and understanding
Resound Essence - joyous communication and expression
Activate Essence - joyful manifestation
Ultimate Aletheia - the full set of essences
3 Essences special - $90