Create Essence - inspired creativity



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Aletheia Create Essence is the second in the range, made in the beautiful Kanimbla Valley, NSW. As the name suggests, Create enables a deeper connection to our creative selves. By deepening this connection, we have access to the well of creative energy and inspiration within us. We are all creative beings, we all have something unique and individual within us that loves to be expressed, that is a special gift to the world. Create Essence awakens and connects you to this.

The Base Essence establishes an experience of security and inner strength. Create builds on this foundation and helps people be clear about what they wish to bring into being. Taken even further, Create will connect a person to their true purpose, what they most wish to do with their life. Imagine and feel how this would be, to live the life your heart truly desires. To love your work, to do what you’ve always dreamed of, that which would bring you and those around you the most joy. If this is unclear or difficult, Create helps you connect within and know what this would be for you.

When considering a creative endeavour and are in need of clarity, or when working through creative blocks, Create helps to more fully form ideas into something workable and access creative flow states. Invaluable for times when one is considering a change of career or work and unsure of where to go; or when going through a transitional period of life, those times of clearing out the old to make way for something new. Create allows one to slow down, connect to the guidance of the heart and reveals what will bring you the most joy. By connecting to this joy, to what is meaningful for you and creating from this space, truly amazing things can happen. From this place you will experience a profound and creative love of life.

The recommended dose is 7 drops taken twice daily, under the tongue, for at least 1 month to fully experience all that this wonderful essence has to offer



What people are saying


“I use Lyle’s Aletheia essences daily, which I find help immensely with my creative endeavours. I began with Base, moved to Create and then Activate and am now using both Create and Activate daily. I had some profound insights using Base which excited me to move (probably too quickly!) to Create and Activate. My decision making has improved dramatically and I believe I’m creating space for what is next, which means I’m continually clearing my blockages. The flow is amazing. I believe wholeheartedly in their power and Lyle’s choice of name for each of them says it all – thank you Lyle for caring to make these essences.”

Insight Essence - clear perception and understanding
3 Essences special - $90
Activate Essence - joyful manifestation
Base Essence - grounding and security
Resound Essence - joyous communication and expression